Tuesday, December 28, 2010


feel like blogging on this cold cold night.
im pretty stressed up and tied up by money issues. its so pathetic. after christmas and chalet and all those shit, im absolutely BROKE. im DRY. LIKE TOTALLY DRY. i feel so upset that i only have so little money left in my wallet and i cant touch my bank. i dont want to tell you because i dont want to let you think im so pathetic. its so difficult to survive and keep trying to hang just there. im gasping for air trying to dig money out. so much burden, bills, gifts transport, daily expenses. im not happy at all.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

yes, friends always<3

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Hello. i miss you so.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

i know i am of no use to you. but i thought you would be there for me.
but you just shove me aside right now.
i see your priorities so clearly now.
i don't even stand a single space in that heart of yours all along.
Whatever i do, i can never win your heart.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My blog has became a place for me to vent out my unhappiness. Everytime i feel sad, i want to blog.
I'm so unhappy right now. sweet nothings are always easy to believe, but we often get cheated in the end. Promises are always broken, are always lies to make u fall into so deeply and hurt us badly.
We were so happy then. And i was confident again because of what you said and promised me. But things are different now.
You were never there by my side.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Love happens so fast.
And i miss you really fast too.

Pretty upset nowadays. Think heaven's really unfair to me. Why take away my dearest things away from me at the VERY VERY wrong time? I wanna excel with you, grow with you, learn with you and be with you. But we had to be separated at this time when im deeply in love with you. Blame on me stupid, didnt study hard enough to pass and proceed.

Feeling really really lousy these days.. and i miss you so.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

im getting better but startin to get stressed up at schoolwork. projects are coming my way and im so pissed with my members. argh.