Sunday, June 14, 2009

nothing describes me now. i am just feeling's finally the holidays and im so glad over the fact i had my shopping spree yesterday. school has been tough, at least for me. and lesson number 1 after my tests are 1) Never to not pay attention and sleep in class( try). hate all the last minutes. my workers at RC are sooo gonna die. cos i just stupid-ly spend 8000 dollars on a stupid fcking song. now my worker's gonna starve! kongting must be surprised to see me blog. i know she wants to read my posts. ha ha ha. elaine permed her hair. im waiting for mine to lengthen first. good things must wait... ( with patience ) im hoping for a hair dye too with the curls coming.watched drag me to hell with my friends. and they totally freak out. haha.. cindy ng number 1 super freaked out. and this is the first time i see kongting cover her ears and scream in her heart. haha.. nice show indeed. and i wanna watch blood. but its M18. I CANT WAIT TO BE 17 AND THEN 18. because i want to learn driving. and yay, i can drive to school if i can. and btw, where is shiyan again?! you come and go..
and yay, bought my everlast tank with kongting and she's regretting it now cos the colour describes a "different" meaning.hah. im so laughing at her.
omg. i just woke up . lol, i dozed off with the lappy on my lap.okay byebye

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