Tuesday, December 28, 2010


feel like blogging on this cold cold night.
im pretty stressed up and tied up by money issues. its so pathetic. after christmas and chalet and all those shit, im absolutely BROKE. im DRY. LIKE TOTALLY DRY. i feel so upset that i only have so little money left in my wallet and i cant touch my bank. i dont want to tell you because i dont want to let you think im so pathetic. its so difficult to survive and keep trying to hang just there. im gasping for air trying to dig money out. so much burden, bills, gifts transport, daily expenses. im not happy at all.

1 comment:

Truqui said...

Believe in God? Do not worry. Do not worry about it
you will eat or the clothes you will wear. Life is more than just dressing and eating. Look at the birds,
not plant or harvest for storage. God feeds them. You are more valuable to God than the birds. See
Lilies do not work for clothing, but even King Solomon with all his wealth was dressed as well as lilies. Son
beautiful! If God made ​​the beautiful grass and beautiful flowers will die knowing that soon, you better wear it. No
worry. God knows what you need. Put God first in your life. Do what God wants. God will give