Saturday, July 25, 2009

beautiful disaster

finally some time for me to blog. long since i've updated. anyways, it was elaine's bday last week and im glad you like our surprise. okay, now i've run out of things to blog again. tml's parent meeting, and my mum's gonna screw me again. becos she's always so kpo and troublesome. she's naggy and my teachers aint gonna stand her. hate it when she wants to be an extra trying to meddle with my issues and stuff. im 17 and im big enough to make my own desicion. the whole parent meeting thing is a total loser. no one in my class is going and its a total embarassment that my mum still treats me as a kid. that's disgusting. anyway, my life's screwed. nth's going on well. i feel emo. and really emo. but im not that kinda slid wrists idiots. im just feeling quiet and feel like being rude. but anyways, ignore me. life sucks when you're thinking of so many things in ur heart and not even knowing a single shit about it. and i got a fcking pathetic 6 for my retest wherby i almost passed by 2 marks in my first test. it was a totally waste of my time. okay its 2 midnight. and im workin tml. so bye.

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