Friday, July 10, 2009

i cant help it that you look like an angel

this is for goh kongting! girl, we owe you one dinner treat.. i wont forget k.
havent been updating. but seems im free now and i dont want to go to bed. let me blog. as usual, i flunk my common tests. and im trying to mug for my retests. went for make up lesson today for my dancesports. early in the mornin, from 8 dance to 10. from 3 dance to 5. freaking cold aircon in class. but i had fun adjusting the temperature and THE FAN SPEED ytd during compro lesson. im alot better at my computer programming now and im glad. but when you mention my electrical tech( eltech) , its a total disaster. this is the only module i thought of giving up. it is so not my cup of tea. even mechanics is alot better. i only failed by a silly 2. and shit damn it, i have project presentation tml. and i dunno how to teach the class. not feeling very happy these days becos i have a heavy workload all piled up on me. and i have 4 tests coming next week. and 14 is an impt day. and my retest is on 13, 22. and elaine's bday's coming, so is mine:)gosh, and exams are coming too. and and and. there's too many things! and im 111111111111111111111 x1000000million billon someone( if u understand what im trying to get at)life sucks, so do u.. bye!

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